About Us

Eminence is one of the fastest growing global skill development organizations in india founded with an objective to enable sustainable transformation thougth learning and skill development. we offer multi-level training facilities, from introducing skill-based learning in schools and colleges to corporate training. We work towards empowering India’s population to become breadwinners and contributors towards this growing economy while achieving their longtime dreams and aspirations.

Eminence Innovative Skill Education Private Limited is one of India’s premier skill development organizations. Having started small, Eminence built its reputation over the years, through dedicated effort anchored around the single mission of building a generation of skilled professionals. Today we enjoy the respect and goodwill from all quarters of the skill development sector with industry experts recognizing the organization as a leader within the field. Having made its mark in India, the company is now focusing on expanding its reach abroad. With the opening up of best–in–class skill development centers across the globe, we aim at being able to reach a global student base who are in need of our services.

Confidentiality Measures

  • All our employees sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to ensure the integrity of our data.
  •  We monitor all our documents so we know if they have been moved or taken.
  • All our project-sensitive information is locked away in a confidential storage area.
  • Critical information can only be accessed by authorized personnel and senior level staff, after thorough vetting.